🚨 Attention: Beauty Pros! Ready To Grow Your Business? 🚨

Want to Boost Your Business
Without Spending Extra Cash?

Imagine improving your business in just 60 days.

Struggling to get more bookings?
Only using Instagram to find new clients?

Discover easy ways to get more clients and make more money with less hassle—strategies your competition probably doesn’t know about or know how to use!


Want More?

• More Money in Your Bank

• More Repeat Customers
• Easier Business Operations


Want Less?

• Less Daily Stress
• Less Time on Marketing

• Less Tech Headaches


The Best Part?

• Perfect for Beauty Pros

• No Tech Skills Needed

• Follow at Your Own Pace

Picture your beauty business turning heads and sparking conversations around town, and you haven't even increased your marketing budget.

This scenario isn't a far-off dream—it's a very achievable future. This course shows you how to draw in clients with more ease and boost your income, giving you more time for the things you love. It’s about making your business work for you, not the other way around.

Picture your beauty business turning heads and sparking conversations around town, and you haven't even increased your marketing budget.

This scenario isn't a far-off dream—it's a very achievable future. Our course shows you how to draw in clients with more ease and boost your income, giving you more time for the things you love. It’s about making your business work for you, not the other way around.

Unlock the true potential of your beauty business with this straight-talk course.

Here's what awaits you:

Make More Money:

Watch earnings increase as more clients find your services and keep coming back. Proven methods mean increased bookings and a healthier bottom line.

Achieve Higher Status:

Become a more recognized name in your community. These strategies will lift your business, maximizing every chance to be the top choice for beauty services.

Enhance Your Space:
Become a more recognized name in your community. These strategies will lift your business, maximizing every chance to be the top choice for beauty services.

Boost Your Confidence:

Revel in a renewed sense of confidence and pride. Savor the satisfaction and assurance that comes from knowing you're at the top of your game.



Tavia Osterstock

Coastal Skin Studio

“It’s been a game-changer! Even though I’m busy operating my business and managing staff, we’ve been able to implement these strategies immediately.”

What Else Will I Have to Buy to Make This Work?

Worried about additional costs, lack of time, or technical skills? This course is designed specifically for beauty professionals like you who are busy, budget-conscious, and not tech-savvy.

No Additional Purchases Needed

The course includes all the strategies and tools you need to start seeing results.
There's no need to buy extra software, equipment, or services.


Each module is just 20 minutes, perfect for fitting into your busy schedule. Learn at your own pace and implement the strategies when it suits you best.

No Tech Skills Required:

The steps are straightforward and easy to follow, with clear instructions and support. You don't need any special technical skills to make the most of this course.



Tavia Osterstock

Coastal Skin Studio

“It’s been a game-changer! Even though I’m busy operating my business and managing staff, we’ve been able to implement these strategies immediately.”

Picture your beauty business in the near future,

subtly yet significantly improved:

Financial Stability: You notice an increase in your income. There are more regular customers, and each one is spending a bit more. You see an uptick in your business's financial health.

Community Presence: Your salon is becoming more recognized in your area. Word-of-mouth is spreading, and you're starting to see new faces alongside the familiar ones. Your business is quietly carving its niche in the local community.

Enhanced Environment: Small changes to your salon's layout and decor have made a big difference. Clients comment on the welcoming atmosphere and efficient service. It's the same space, but it feels renewed and more inviting.

Personal Satisfaction: You're feeling more confident and less stressed. Each day brings small victories and a sense of progress. You're not just running your business; you're growing it, one step at a time.

These are realistic, attainable changes this course can help you achieve, bringing a new level of satisfaction to your beauty business.

This course is for beauty professionals seeking growth, not those

content with staying the same.

Real-World Impact for the Busy

Beauty Professional

Five straight-talk lessons on everything from online tricks to becoming the local favorite.

Our concise five-module video course offers practical strategies in manageable 20-minute sessions. Tailored for the busy beauty professional—the course is designed to enhance your business without overloading your schedule. Each module is focused on delivering tangible results – from amplifying your online presence to building stronger client relationships. You’ll get straightforward and manageable steps for both business and personal satisfaction.

Website Quality Check-List

We’ll give you the exact setup your site needs so you're sure

your website is an easy-to-follow gateway to more bookings.

$327 VALUE

Get Noticed

Practical tips for standing out in your local area and bringing

in more customers.

$149 VALUE

Customer Loyalty

Elevate your clients’ experience to make

them loyal fans. This course provides specific examples

of tried & true salon setups to get the most out of your space.

$149 VALUE

Be the Favorite

Gain tactics to get featured in local media to

boost your visibility and establish your

salon or studio as a trusted and beloved community business.

$149 VALUE

Stand Out

Learn how to create some buzz and

excitement while having some fun with

social media–showcasing your work, connecting

with your community, and attracting new clients.

$195 VALUE

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We’re so confident in our course that we offer a bold 60-day money-back promise - follow each of the five steps, and you should see an increase in traffic and revenue, OR get your money back! But! Don’t think you’ll get a refund without doing the work; nobody gets results without putting in the effort. PERIOD.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We’re so confident in our course that we offer a bold promise - follow each of the five steps, and you should see an increase in traffic and revenue, OR get your money back! But! Don’t think you’ll get a refund without doing the work; nobody gets results without putting in the effort. PERIOD.

Boost Your Salon's Potential With Our

5 Essential Video Modules

20-Minute Sessions: Efficient, practical strategies.

Improve Online Presence: Attract more clients digitally.

Build Stronger Relationships: Cultivate customer loyalty.

Focused 5-Module Course: Tailored for beauty businesses.

Straightforward Steps: Designed for immediate impact.

Will you remain in your comfort zone, or

will you take the next steps to power up your business?


Invest Only $96 Now - A Fraction of the Real Value!

Invest just $96 for our "5 Ways to Drive More Customers into Your Chair" course – a savvy alternative to allocating $969 or more on outside services. This affordable investment equips you with the essential knowledge and actionable strategies to attract clients and grow your business, making it a smart and cost-effective decision for your salon.

Exclusive Offer:

Get our straight-talk course for just $96!

Hurry, It's a limited-time deal!

After enrolling in our course, imagine the satisfaction of seeing your salon grow, attracting more

clients, and enjoying stronger connections in your community.

These are achievable goals that can significantly uplift your professional and personal life. However, hesitating might give your competition the edge, especially if they're also eyeing this course and moving ahead. Don't let them outpace you.

Act now for immediate course access and start making real improvements in your beauty business today.


Exclusive Offer:

Get our straight-talk course for just $96!

Hurry, It's a limited-time deal!

After enrolling in our course, imagine the satisfaction of seeing your salon grow, attracting more

clients, and enjoying stronger connections in your community.

These are achievable goals that can significantly uplift your professional and personal life. However, hesitating might give your competition the edge, especially if they're also eyeing this course and moving ahead. Don't let them outpace you.

Act now for immediate course access and start making real improvements in your beauty business today.


Exclusive Offer:

Get our straight-talk course for just $96

Hurry, It's a limited-time deal!

Danielle Keasling

Founder, Hair Biz and Beyond

Danielle is a multi-award winning stylist who has worked in the beauty industry for 27 years, owning and operating a half-million-dollar-a-year salon packed with customers. She’s teamed up with an experienced marketing expert skilled in crafting a solid online presence that sets you apart from competitors. Together, they're your secret sauce to getting more customers and making more money.

Hair Biz and Beyond's mission is to empower beauty professionals to make more money with greater ease and balance.

Danielle Keasling

Founder, Hair Biz and Beyond

Danielle is a multi-award winning stylist who has worked in the beauty industry for 27 years, owning and operating a half-million-dollar-a-year salon packed with customers. She’s teamed up with an experienced marketing expert skilled in crafting a solid online presence that sets you apart from competitors. Together, they're your secret sauce to getting more customers and making more money.

Hair Biz and Beyond's mission is to empower beauty professionals to make more money with greater ease and balance.

Grow Your Beauty Business: 5 Insider Secrets for Attracting More Clients

If you're only using Instagram, you're probably missing out on 70% of the business that you could be getting. We want to show you 5 tried and proven ways where you can get predictable traffic that most of your competitors either don't know about, aren't using because they don't know how valuable it is, or don’t know how to use it.

Get our straight-talk course for just $69!

Hurry, It's a limited-time deal!


Can this course actually help my business?

Definitely. It's packed with straight-to-the-point advice from years of experience. We've made it to help you skip the trial and error and get right to growing your business.

Another course means more expenses. Why should I consider this one?

This course is an investment, not just an expense. It's filled with practical strategies to help grow your business and increase revenue, making it a smart, cost-effective choice.

FAQ image

I'm really busy. Can I realistically fit this course into my schedule?

Absolutely, it's crafted for busy schedules. The course offers quick, actionable tips. But remember, to see real results, you'll need to commit some time to implement what you learn. Just watching won't be enough; it's the action you take that will make the difference.

I'm not great with technology. Will I still benefit?

Absolutely. The course is designed to be clear and straightforward. Even if you're not tech-savvy, you'll be able to follow along and apply the concepts with some effort and engagement.

Ready to step up? You can do this!

Give your beauty business the advantage it deserves.

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